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A peculiar music video directed and starred by the leader of the rapper group Odd Future, Tyler The Creator, for his album Wolf. The moment he jumps on the butt is really brilliant.
The typical friend who messes with you and then backs down at the first opportunity.
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Texan singer Maren Morris went viral after a concert at Willie Nelson's 4th of July picnic in Camden, New Jersey, where some attendees noticed she wasn't wearing underwear. During her performance of "The Middle," she wore an outfit that opened up and revealed more than expected, sparking controversy on social media. While some believe she was wearing underwear, many users on X claim otherwise.
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In the past, we've highlighted some music videos by Estonian artist Tommy Cash. These were videos uploaded to YouTube that were right on the edge of what the platform allows, but his latest work, 'UNTZ UNTZ,' should probably be on Pornhub instead.
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In Brazil, style is everything—even the dogs bark in rhythm. A group of guys is singing in the street when suddenly, a dog starts barking. Coincidence or not, true or not, it’s perfectly in sync with the music. This pup’s got some serious musical talent.
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Megan Thee Stallion pays homage to Japanese cinema in her new music video "Mamushi," a collaboration with rapper Yuki Chiba. This track, part of her latest album and her first work as an independent artist, has emerged as the breakout song of the album, gaining widespread popularity and attracting new fans.
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One of the first major viral moments of 2025 has been DJ Adam Port’s performance at a New Year’s Eve party in Bucharest, the Romanian capital. But the spotlight wasn’t on him or his music—it was all about a woman standing behind him during his set.
It all started when the woman, who initially wore a top, decided to "adjust" her outfit, leaving half the world mesmerized. Within minutes, she not only caught the attention of everyone at the party but also those who were recording the moment. With so many people capturing videos on their phones, different angles of the party started popping up on social media, turning it into a real collection game: How many unique videos could be found?
Luckily, here’s a compilation of all the videos that have surfaced so far.
You can watch plenty of Gabbie Carter videos at this link
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